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Shane Diesel Realistic Dildo

Shane Diesel Realistic Dildo | NS Novelties


, Shane Diesel Realistic Dildo



Shane Diesel Realistic Dildo


My Big Black Cock Will Rock Your World!–– Shane Diesel• Molded from XXX star Shane Diesel!• Each detail breathtakingly real!• 10″ tall, 2″ wide, 100% HUGE!• Includes autographed fan photo of Shane!”Now you can have my thick, erect cock any time, any where you want it, baby. It’s 10″ tall –– so stuff up to 8″ of me into whatever needs it the most, your pussy, ass, it’s up to you! Feel the shaft, suck the head, grab my big balls and hold on! Or slam the suction cup down on a flat surface and ride me hard! Rubber material loves water-based lubes and believe me, you’ll need it!” –– ShaneLooking for a XXX super star’s cock for sex whenever you like? The Shane Diesel Realistic Cock is ideal for satisfying almost any sexual craving –– Shane delivers lots of thrusting right where you want it most! Diesel’s long, thick sex toy is a great choice for intermediate and advanced users. • Dildo has Realistic Shape and Texture because it’s molded from Shane’s actual prick!• Big Balls For Easy Mane

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Shane Diesel Realistic Dildo

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